Eric Metaxas is one of my heroes. I love the way he communicates his faith. I admire his conviction. And, he’s very funny. He gave an unforgettable speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in 2012.
Eric Metaxas should has his own TV Talk Show on TBN Fri. and Sun. nights. You can also watch his radio show on YouTube.
Secular-Yale-Agnostic-Eric had a dream that changed his life, and now he says, “Faith isn’t a leap into the dark. Faith is a leap into the light.” His new book, an autobiography up to age 25 (oh goody, there’s a part two) is out this month, “Fish Out of Water:A Search for the Meaning of Life.”
I was so excited to bump into Eric at the National Religious Broadcasters’ Conference years ago (picture) at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel where he was rushing down the hall. He’s a very busy man. Lucky for me, my friend from Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale, Rick Reed, snapped a quick photo.
I’m praying that God will raise up more strong Christian men to lead our country out of its spiritual darkness.

Why are you posing with Geraldo Rivera?
God bless both of you. I have Mr. Metaxas’ biography of Dietrich Bonhoffer and it’s on my short list of what to read next.
I have read several of Eric’s books. They are all outstanding. Bonhoeffer is an excellent read.